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Data Definitions and Details

Standard Definitions and Data Details for HR Reporting at Cornell University

Details about the Reported Data

All data includes employees from the Ithaca/Geneva campuses, Cornell Tech, and other NYC and remote employees with reporting lines into Ithaca unless otherwise specifically stated. Data from Weill Cornell Medicine is maintained on SAP rather than Workday; limited data is available and is specifically noted in displays. Many dashboards have corresponding captions to indicate dashboard features.

Please also note that there have been special features added to some of the dashboards including the ability to toggle between percentage and raw data numbers as well as a drop-down feature via a plus (+) icon to expand data breakdown and minus (-) to condense data. The data contained in the dashboards are “snapshots” of Cornell populations at the end of each fiscal quarter.

Key Indicators

  • These dashboards are updated to the most recent fiscal quarter. The dashboards contain job profile pay ranges and incumbent lists, workday pay ranges, academic internal pay and Awardco information.

View Pay Ranges & Key Indicators Dashboards


  • Headcount is based on the employee’s primary job in Workday.
  • The headcount dashboards contain college unit headcount and regular and total headcount.

View Headcount Dashboards

Hires and Separations

Voluntary Terminations

  • Include the following Workday Termination Reason Codes: Family Reasons, Negotiated Agreement, Negotiated Resignation, No longer a Student, No Return from Leave, No Reason Given, Other Position, Relocation, Retirement, Return to School, University Leave.
  • Choosing the following reasons will trigger an exit survey: Family Reasons, No Reason Given, Other Position, Relocation, Return to School.

Employee Health/Death

  • Include the following Workday Termination Reason Codes: Health Reasons, No Return from Disability, Death


  • Include the following Workday Termination Reason Codes: Retirement, Return to Retirement

Involuntary Terminations

  • Include the following Workday Termination Reason codes: End of Temporary Appointment, End of Term Appointment, Job Abandonment, No Show, Not Eligible for Layoff-Lack of Funds, Not eligible for Layoff-Lack of Work, No I9 OBC, Tardiness Attendance, Tenure Not Granted, Term Not Reappointed-Performance, Unsatisfactory Performance, Unsatisfactory Probation Period, Unsuccessful Background Check, Violation of Rules, Visa Expired.

View Hires & Separations Dashboards

Talent Acquisition

  • Reflects new hires from the start of FY18; reflecting academic, staff and bargaining unit positions that were filled utilizing the Workday Recruitment System.
  • Weill Cornell Medicine hires are not included, as they do not utilize the Workday system.

View Talent Acquisition Dashboards

Contingent Workforce

  • Cornell “temporary” and “student” data extracted from Workday “snapshots” of Cornell populations at the end of each fiscal quarter.
  • Temporary Agency data extracted from the Kuali Financial System at the end of each fiscal quarter. Data may be 30 days behind actual temporary worker service time due to agency delays in billing for services rendered. 

View Contingent Workforce Dashboards


Standard Definitions for HR Reporting at Cornell University


Employment Categories


Technical mapping

HR Workforce Dashboard

Quarterly extract (primary appointment only, excludes layoff and long-term leave)



Job Family Group: Faculty

  • Professorial (asst, assoc, full professors)
  • Academic/ Administrative (assoc dean, dean, president, provost, assoc vice provost, vice provost, senior vice provost, acting asst, assoc, full professors)

Faculty Employment Category 


Job Family Group: RTE Faculty

  • Clinical/research/of practice asst, assoc, full professors and acting asst, assoc, full professors
  • Instructors, Lecturers, Teaching Associates, Research Associates, Extension Associates, Librarians, Archivists, Research Scientists, Scholars

RTE Faculty Employment Category


Banded (Professional & Support) and Executive Staff

Job Family Group: Staff

  • Employees in non-academic banded and executive roles

Staff Employment Category


Bargaining Unit Staff

Job Family Group: Union

  • Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements

Union Employment Category


Job Family Group: Post Graduate

  • Post docs, Vet Interns, Vet Residents

Post Graduate Employment Category


Job Family Group: Faculty Modifier, RTE Faculty Modifier, Staff Modifier

  • Adjunct, Courtesy, Visiting, Emeritus

Modifier Employment Category


Job Family Group: Other

  • County Extension, Affiliates, Interns, Retired, Emeritus, Benefits Billing Only



Job Family Group: Temporary

  • Temporary: Work engagement of at least 20 hours per week with a term of employment of less than six consecutive months
  • Casual: Work engagement of less than 20 hours per week; term may be made for an indefinite duration

Temporary/Casual Employment Category

(Contingent Workforce)


Job Family Group: Student

  • Active student appointments

Student Employment Category

(Contingent Workforce)


Job Family Group: Grad Students

  • Active graduate student appointments

Grad Students Employment Category

(Contingent Workforce)



Faculty, RTE Faculty, Staff, and Union Employment Categories



Regular Headcount, Modifier (Faculty, RTE Faculty, Staff), Temporary/Casual, Student, and Graduate Student Employment Categories